McNair Agency is based in the heart of the agricultural industry and has been providing quality service since 1959.
We have the opportunity to serve farmers in their risk management with MultiPeril and crop insurance. Our agents have experience, knowledge, and the desire to service our customers with the highest level of integrity. The industry is changing everyday and McNair Agency works hard to stay educated and current for their customers.

Multi peril crop insurance is the most common form of crop insurance.
Underwritten and subsidized by the USDA.
Customized for each producer using their actual production history and protects a farmer’s yield and revenue.
Purchased before planting and protects against natural causes including drought, hail, wind, freezing, insects, excessive heat, disease and many more.
It also protects against the volatility of commodity markets.
Multi Peril Crop Insurance

McNair Agency has been doing crop hail insurance since the early 1960s.
Allows a farmer to insure dollars left unprotected by MPCI.
Is a private product and can be purchased at any time before and during growing season.
Protects against hail, fire and in transit from field to storage and even grain stored on the farm

LRP is a federally subsidized risk-management program offered by the United States Department of Agriculture Risk Management Agency (RMA) that provides protection against price declines in livestock market prices.